We love seeing how our users implement 360 spins into their websites. But did you know you can use your spins as animated GIFs, too? GIFs, or graphics interchange format, are supported by nearly every web browser and email client. GIFs allow you to embed a short, looping video of your spin into a range of media without the need to be clicked on to display the content. As attention spans on the Internet continue to dwindle, GIFs are a quick and easy way to catch your audience’s attention. Here are three ways you can use your 360 spins as GIFs:
1. Emails
Using animated GIFs in an email gives it a little something extra. Instead of embedding a video with a link that requires action from the recipient, the GIF automatically plays when they open the email. We love the way Anthropologie used an animated GIF in this email campaign:
Keep in mind that some email clients only display the first frame of a GIF, so make sure that image supports the message you’re trying to send.
2. Social media
Earlier this year, Twitter started supporting animated GIFs in tweets. Including a GIF in your tweet helps add dimension and engagement to the message you’re trying to get across to your users. To embed a GIF, just write your tweet, click “add photo,” and upload it as you would a normal image.
You can always embed a spin to your Facebook page by pasting its link right into the body of a new post. We’ve also had some of our users ask about embedding spins into Instagram, and we can help you do that in a similar way, but by using your spins as .MOV files.
3. Google ads
Up your company’s ad game by integrating in GIFs. Animated GIFs can be used in Google ads as long as they are 150KB or smaller, less than 30 seconds in length, and have a maximum display rate of 5 frames per second. Here’s one way we used a GIF of a spin to create an ad:
Want to get in on the animated action? Contact our solutions experts to learn more about creating animated GIFs from your account and how to use them on your favorite platforms.