We love the Simpsons – well, who doesn’t? The spin above was captured in the Kid Robot store in SoHo. We used our free App Arqball Spin and a custom stage, small enough to fit inside of your bag. Currently we’re raising money for design and manufacturing of stages – click on our Kickstarter campaign on the right of our blog →

We loved the Simpsons spin so much that it seemed like a good idea to celebrate by visiting Peter Pan Donuts. Since Homer loves donuts with sprinkles, we started off with a traditional half-and-half chocolate sprinkles. I took a bite right where they meet – what I’ve labeled the “sweet spot.”

[Peter Pan Donuts](http://maps.google.com/maps/place?um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=peter+pan+donuts+brooklyn&fb=1&gl=us&hq=peter+pan+donuts&hnear=0x89c24416947c2109:0x82765c7404007886,Brooklyn,+NY&cid=7594417213772576676) is one of the few remaining donut shops that still makes cake donuts fresh daily. Foodies visiting NYC often make special trips to Greenpoint, Brooklyn, just for one of these tasty treats. Next, I decided to get one with red velvet cake crumbs and whipped cream.

It’s hard to see all of the goodness from the outside, so I gave a before and after look. Above is the spinning donut, and below is what they look like after taking a bite. I think even Homer would be jealous! If you want to create spins like this, please support our Kickstarter campaign 3D for Everyone, on the right of our blog →