An API (application-programming interface) is a set of programming instructions and standards for accessing a web-based software application or web tool. Here at Arqspin, we offer a search API to our users so that they can seamlessly integrate large volumes of spins into their website.
Best Buy Canada, the first of our users to implement the Arqspin Query API, has used it to quickly add spins to thousands of their product pages through our platform.
When you use the API, you can build product pages that dynamically query your Arqspin account to see if a spin exists with a unique identifier—such as a SKU, item number, color, or style. If a particular spin exists, it will be displayed on the product page. If it doesn’t, a spin will not be displayed. A web developer can add javascript to your website that uses the API to embed the right spin on the page. The API is also what powers our Shopify plugin.
We give users a unique API_KEY that they can use to access the search API. The information we’d give you would look like:
Your API key is: HS8FNo7RGBRXFIDwmnzH
To query for spins, use javascript to make an AJAX call to (for example):
GET //
You can use this result to embed the Arqspin iframe on your page using Javascript, for example your javascript snippet might look like:
The search query doesn’t have to be an exact match, so if you title or caption a spin with more than one SKU (such as “SKU0001, SKU0002”), it will show up in searches for either one. Our API uses a fast in-memory cache to handle tens of thousands of requests per second, so your page won’t experience any delay when using the API.
The Arqspin Query API is a great tool to streamline your spin integration. It has helped Arqspin users turn month long projects into an overnight process. The API is completely free to use. All you have to do to use this functionality is include a unique product SKU or tag in the title or caption of each of your spins, and contact us to learn how to access the Arqspin Query API.
Ready to get started with the API? Contact our solutions experts for more information.